Gluten-free Key West

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Gluten-free Key West

I visited in Key West during our Florida roadtrip. We stayed in hotel called Eden House. It was an amazing small hotel with friendly staff and nice surroundings. Our visit in Key West lasted 4 days so we had plenty of time to see what gluten-free Key West has to offer.

Outback Steakhouse (3230 N. Roosevelt Blvd.)
In the first evening we took a taxi from the hotel to the Outback Steakhouse. One-way ride cost about 14$ with tip. Outback was packed and we had to wait about 30 minutes to get a table. While we were waiting, waiters came to server small chicken bites and ice cream for us. But they didn't know was it gluten-free or not. So I didn't taste those.

Finally we got in and they gave be an own gluten-free menu. I took the steak (once again) with garlic mashed potatoes and veggies - it was good as always in Outback. Waiters knew what the were doing and the whole experience was nice and safe for celiac.

Conch Republic Seafood Company (631 Greene Street)
CRSC don't have gluten-free menu on their web page so I sent an e-mail to them. I got almost an instant reply: "Many items are already gluten-free but you can also request your server to ask our chef to prepare most dishes gluten free." We went there and told to the waiter that I need gluten-free. He understood what gluten-free means and told what I can and can't eat. I ate shrimps, rice and veggies. Sparkling wine wasn't very good.

Azure Restaurant (425 Grinnell Street)
I read from the web that this mediterranean restaurant has gluten-free choices. We also got a wine discount coupon from our hotel so the Azure was a self-evident choice. We went to the restaurant next door to our hotel. Place was appealing and we got seats on terrace. Male waiter didn't know what gluten-free is but waitress knew and she served us the whole evening. Portions were small but delicious. I ate mozzarella cheese with tomatoes for starters, fish and shrimps for main course and delicious chocolate cake for dessert. Yummy!

Help Yourself Restaurant (829 Fleming Street)
We found this place accidentally while walking from the hotel to the Mallory Square. Help Yourself has gluten-free menu placed outside the restaurant. Choices are healthy but huge mexican chicken salad bowl was suitable for meat eater like me Waitresses told that only wraps and pasta contains gluten but they can substitute those with gluten-free options. So, great place for every celiac in Key West.

Visit in southernmost part of the United States was great experience and can be recommended for everyone. Even for celiacs - there's no problem to find gluten-free food

Tule mukaan keliaakikoiden omaan yhteisöön – täysin ilmaiseksi!

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Huomaa, että kuka tahansa voi lisätä palveluun millaista sisältöä tahansa. Myöskään kaikki mainoksissa olevat tuotteet eivät ole gluteenittomia. Ylläpitäjä ei voi vastata sisällön oikeellisuudesta ja olet aina itse vastuussa siitä mitä suuhusi laitat. Jos huomaat ilkivaltaa tai gluteenipitoisia sisältöjä, ilmoita siitä ylläpitäjälle.

Vinkkiin liittyvät kuvat


  • Maa
  • Sijainti
    Key West, Florida
  • Ajankohta
    November 2010
  • Lisääjä
  • Lisätty
    6.2.2011 18:55
  • Muokkasi
    6.2.2011 18:55

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