Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 19.10.2009 14:12
thank you for additional info, Suviih
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 19.10.2009 12:43
Thnx, Jezu!
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 13.10.2009 21:22
Don't worry Suviih I've bought it already.
As I've understood no problems with it in USA in UK, but in Russia and Finland it hareder find a little.
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 13.10.2009 21:15
I've bought glycerin in USA. Thank you all for answers.
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 13.10.2009 19:28
I sent e-mails to 10-20 pharmacys but got only one answer (they said they don't know where buy it).
I can't wait few days and I cand go to pharmacy myself. I need tell all information (address, brand name, amount and cost) to another man who will buy it for me in Helsinki.
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 12.10.2009 20:16
I found Dr.Oetker in Finland:
http://en.02.fi/yellow-pages/HELSINKI/134329/Dr.+Oetker+Suomi+Oy/?tab=conta ct
Anybody know have they glyseroli Dr.Oetker?
You can see how it's look in UK shop:
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 12.10.2009 20:12
Yes Jezu,
I heard too Wrigleys are gluten-free, but I'm not sure about all flavors and all factories in different countries..
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 12.10.2009 19:53
Thank you so much Suviih!
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 11.10.2009 19:56
which buble gum or chewing gum is gluten-free in Finland?
Porvoon lakritsi - gluten-free licorice – 10.10.2009 20:59
1) Can I buy Maoam chewing candies in S-market too?
How much cost and amount in pack anybody know?
2) Which bubble gum is gluten-free in Finland and where is it?
Huomaa, että kuka tahansa voi lisätä palveluun millaista sisältöä tahansa. Myöskään kaikki mainoksissa olevat tuotteet eivät ole gluteenittomia. Ylläpitäjä ei voi vastata sisällön oikeellisuudesta ja olet aina itse vastuussa siitä mitä suuhusi laitat. Jos huomaat ilkivaltaa tai gluteenipitoisia sisältöjä, ilmoita siitä ylläpitäjälle.
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14 viestiä, 1 aihe
10.10.2009 15:11