is a new gluten-free online community for all celiacs and whom are interested about gluten-free lifestyle. The meaning of this service is to provide easy way to share up-to-date information and tips about gluten-free lifestyle and to give and have peer support.
Sign up and be a part of creating the most comprehensive and practical information resource about celiac disease and gluten-free lifestyle. Read more...
88whitehead added a tip onnen resepti
08/28/2023 2:24 AM
Max96 added a link Gluten-Free Diet
03/29/2023 12:07 AM
Max96 commented the profile Max96
03/29/2023 12:03 AM
Max96 commented the profile Max96
03/29/2023 12:02 AM
Aron_ added a link Online Celiac Disease Diet
04/19/2022 11:32 AM
04/19/2022 11:30 AM
ICE added a product Bezgluten Bezgluten D954 Gluten Free Wafer...
ICE added a link
08/05/2019 10:54 AM
Stefanno added a profile
08/11/2018 11:48 PM
Jezu added a tip Gluten-free in Helsinki
Jezu added a tip Key Lime Pie recipe
10/26/2016 9:46 PM
Jezu opened discussion Laitilan Kukko GF beer will conquer the...
"Gluten-free beer from Finland, Laitilan Kukko (Kukko means rooster) will be imported to U.S. next year. First Kukko's will be available in Texas and California early 2016. Here are listed all..." 07/24/2015 8:48 PM
LG1982 added a product Welsh Hills Bakery Lovemore Apple &...
LG1982 added a product Welsh Hills Bakery Lovemore Chocolate...
susanko participated in the discussion Gluten-free Istanbul
"This restaurant in Istanbul even has a gluten free menu Neyzade. Here are some restaurants pinned on a map. I only found these by googling, so no personal experience." 02/13/2015 9:43 PM
Jezu opened discussion Gluten-free bread and pasta from faba...
"VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland have developed gluten-free bread and pasta from faba beans. VTT's press release tells more: The sensory characteristics, structure and colour of the faba bean..." 12/01/2014 9:45 PM
Julia3106 participated in the discussion Gluten free hosting for teens with coeliac...
"Mampu, My name is Victoria and I´m from Spain. I have a teenage gluten free daughter. We are really interested in an exchange with a gluten-free family." 02/10/2014 12:54 AM
prettyangel commented the profile a0202144
12/22/2013 1:52 PM
prettyangel commented the profile 4xaiti
12/22/2013 1:52 PM
Sascha added a tip Gluten Free Corn Fritters
Jezu added an image Some gluten-free goodies from Hemköp...
Jezu commented the tip Glutein-Free Paradise in Berlin
"I transferred this article to International" 02/05/2013 10:52 PM
lompsa added a tip Glutein-Free Paradise in Berlin
c_lee participated in the discussion Celiac disease and tiredness
"There is a definite relationship between gluten consumption and tiredness. The previous wtiter is correct. Gluten blocks the absorption of iron, b vitamin absorption and gluten in the diet. Why did..." 01/28/2013 3:32 AM
c_lee participated in the discussion Gluten-free oat
"Europeans travelling in Australia and new Zealand should be aware the two governments have decalred ALL oats are not gluten free as the testimng of "gluten free" oats falls outside the legal limit of..." 01/28/2013 3:17 AM
Notice that anyone can add any kind of content into service. Also all advertised products are not gluten-free. Administrator is not responsible and you take full responsibility what you eat. If you notice vandalism or contents that include gluten, please notify the admistrator.
The service has 6194 registered users. 7,027% of the finnish celiacs have already joined.
Welcome ullapedest, you are the newest registered user!